my county road

Finding inspiration in the simple joys that make rural living special…




barndo life


My County Road: Hit the Reset

Growing up in the country outside a small town in Indiana with a population around 1,700 — we moved to a neighborhood in a city with a population of around 20,000. Now we’re back where we were before… and live in a barn.

From here, I can see the house where I grew up. I can also see the one where I raised my son. We were ready for a more relaxed and imperfect way of life, and have found it here.

Merida & Dharma

Barndo Creek is a great place if you’re a dog — not a privacy fence in sight. 

@ my county road…

yardwork done facebook style

yardwork done facebook style

Are you served up Facebook videos of out-of-control yards being cleaned up for free? Small business owners of lawn care services evidently just...

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grand central station in pajamas

grand central station in pajamas

I took an early shower last night and put on pajamas. Directly thereafter, Ben called asking if Perry had a suit that would fit him. And directly...

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Finding inspiration in the simple joys that make rural living special…

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